Our JRMS PTA is committed to enriching the lives of our students, teachers and families. Listed below are a sampling of the most prominent program benefits and resources we've provided in recent years:
Classroom tools:
Digital Timers
Projection document cameras
Thermal energy science thermometers
HAM radio supplies
dry erase boards and markers
alternative seating options
classroom and learning commons books
skype session with Mystic aquarium for classroom learning extension
School Resources:
courtyard table and benches
reupholstering fabric for learning commons chairs
rowing machine for fitness room
Wingman Program training materials
Book Expos and Teacher Workshops
JRMS Play donation
Birthday Board decorations (acknowledge all student birthdays)
8th Grade Barlow T-shirt coordination
Staff appreciation celebrations
Planning and implementation of student socials, breakfasts, and picnics
Parent Academy and Adult Education (featuring special guests and timely information and resources)
School-wide Cultural and Enrichment Assemblies